Posts Tagged ‘fracking’

Riverkeeper’s Remarks at the NYC Fracking Rally

Riverkeeper has been a leader in the fight to prevent dangerous fracking in New York. The following are the prepared remarks of Paul Gallay, President and Hudson Riverkeeper, for the Nov. 30 rally co… Read More

Kate Hudson Interviewed on WBAI (MP3, interview starts at 1:53)

Road to Trenton: The story of fracking in the Delaware River Basin

Environmental groups rally against fracking in Delaware River Watershed

DRBC confirms postponement, but sheds no light on reason for putting off natural gas vote

Rally for the Delaware River Watershed Groups to Governors and President Obama: Vote No to Protect our Water and Communities from Drilling and Fracking

November 21, 2011 For Immediate Release West Trenton, New Jersey – Hundreds gathered today in front of the War Memorial in Trenton to say “Don’t Drill the Delaware” at a rally of v… Read More

A Victory in the Fight Against Fracking! Riverkeeper responds to DRBC cancellation of gas drilling vote

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tina Posterli, 516-526-9371, [email protected] A Victory in the Fight Against Fracking! Riverkeeper responds to DRBC cancellation of gas drilling vote Ossining, … Read More

We are on the road to victory! Delaware River Basin Commission Cancels Fracking Vote!

Thanks to all of your great efforts, the state of Delaware announced yesterday that it will vote “no” to DRBC’s proposed gas drilling regulations, which would allow fracking to go forward in the… Read More

Delaware Group Reviews Revised Fracking Rules

Tell the DEC & Gov. Cuomo to Account for the Public Costs of Fracking

Riverkeeper is urging the Governor and DEC to correct its fracking environmental impact statement (known as the SGEIS), so that it takes a hard look at the true costs of fracking on New York’s comm… Read More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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