Posts Tagged ‘fracking’

Hydofracking Pro and Con – Debate Goes On

Shutting out Public from Gas Drilling Decisions, press release from environmental groups

Anti-fracking groups say DRBC ‘shutting out’ public from gas drilling decisions

Groups Protest Delaware River Basin Commission

Catskill Mountainkeeper * Delaware Riverkeeper Network * Damascus Citizens for Sustainability * Environment New Jersey * Hudson Riverkeeper * NJ Environmental Federation * New Jersey Sierra Club * NYH… Read More

DEC’s Environmental Impact Statement on Hydrofracking Fundamentally Flawed

For Immediate Release Contact: Tina Posterli, 516-526-9371, [email protected] DEC’s Environmental Impact Statement on Hydrofracking Fundamentally Flawed Riverkeeper calls for DEC to redo soc… Read More

In Pipeline Debate, Silent Environmentalists

Green groups: DEC review process is flawed

Could über-toxic fracking wastewater end up in Kingston? Possibly.

Tell the DEC and Gov. Cuomo Not to Frack with NY’s Water!

The fracking threat is imminent. Albany could permit companies to drill for natural gas using high-volume hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in New York State starting as early as 2012—and without adeq… Read More

Industry representatives say DEC hydrofracking rules may keep drillers out

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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