Posts Tagged ‘fracking’

Natural Gas Drilling, in the Spotlight

Submit Your Comments to the DRBC

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), has issued drilling and fracking rules against the will of New York State, New York City, Philadelphia, the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlif… Read More

RFK, Jr.: Oil Industry Trying to Silence “Gasland” Director

‘Shutter Island’ star Ruffalo lends his power to fight

Fears About Fracking

What’s Next on the Fracking Front?

No Fracking Way part 2: New York Moratorium Signed

Gov Paterson Sets National Precedent, Calls for Timeout on Fracking

PRESS RELEASE For more information: Erica Ringewald, Environmental Advocates of New York (518) 210-9903 or [email protected] Daniella Nordin, Environmental Advocates of New York (518) 462-5526 x 23… Read More

Riverkeeper’s take on Governor Paterson’s “Veto + Exec Order” daily double

Maybe the Gov thought he was being Solomon-like, in declaring one form of fracking [horizontal wells] off limits until July but allowing another form [vertical wells] to be permitted immediately. Or, … Read More

New York Governor Vetoes Fracking Bill

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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