Posts Tagged ‘Indian Point’

New York State Wins Review of Nuclear Plant Accident Plans

Riverkeeper Sees Environmental Victories in 2012

Indian Point Licensing Renewal Challenged

Fighting to Stop Indian Point’s Slaughter of Hudson River Fish

For nearly 40 years, Riverkeeper has argued that Indian Point’s slaughter of fish and other river life – more than 1 billion organisms a year – is illegal. Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2011, R… Read More

Riverkeeper’s 11 Biggest Wins in 2011

This past year, Riverkeeper and local advocates collectively rolled up our sleeves to fight extraordinary new threats to the Hudson River and our drinking water supplies. We saw the terrible tragedy … Read More

N.Y., two river groups, file for ‘friend’ status in VY case

Talk on safety at Indian Point

Motherboard TV: The Thorium Dream

How to Close a Nuclear Power Plant

A Q&A With Phillip Musegaas, Riverkeeper Hudson River Program Director To continue to operate its Indian Point nuclear reactors on the Hudson River 35 miles from Midtown Manhattan, Entergy needs … Read More

Hearing puts Indian Point in the spotlight

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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