Posts Tagged ‘Indian Point’

Study: Indian Point Has Poor Evacuation Plan For Area–indian-point-has-poor-evacuation-plan-for-area Read More

Indian Point Nuclear Plant Should Be Shuttered: Environmentalists

Critics want Indian Point replaced, cite risks to region

Event raises funds and awareness for IP campaign

To raise awareness and support for Riverkeeper’s campaign to close the Indian Point nuclear power plant, Joan Hornig and Riverkeeper board member George Hornig hosted a discussion and fundraiser for… Read More

New Analysis: Indian Point Nuclear Plant Can be Replaced with Cleaner, Safer Energy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kate Slusark, NRDC, 212-727-4592 or [email protected] Tina Posterli, Riverkeeper, 516-526-9371 or [email protected] Human and Financial Cost of Nuclear Crisis i… Read More


New Study Shows Replacement Options are Plentiful, Available and Affordable A new report prepared for Riverkeeper and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) by energy consulting firm Synapse Energy… Read More

Lessons of Fukushima come to Indian Point

NRC rejects suspending Indian Point relicensing for Fukushima review

Unraveling the String of Entergy Half-Truths

IP Misleads the Public about Earthquake Safety “You Have a Right to Know,” touts Entergy, the owner of Indian Point, in its latest ad campaign aimed at misleading the public about the supposed saf… Read More

Earthquake Renews Focus on Indian Point

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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