Posts Tagged ‘Riverkeeper’

On the Hudson, trash collection is a group effort

USA: DEC Reveals Hudson River Cleanup Plan

NRC judges tour Indian Point over relicensing debate

NY governor mulls new effort to replace Tappan Zee

Save Our Beer: Troy

Join Environmental Advocates of New York, Riverkeeper, and the New York Water Rangers to celebrate award-winning water and beer! New York’s water is at risk from industrial gas drilling called frack… Read More

Riverkeeper Applauds Governor Cuomo’s $1 Billion Investment in Clean Energy Initiatives

NY State leading the way in energy innovation, paving the way for a future without Indian Point Today Governor Cuomo announced a $1 billion investment in clean energy and environment initiatives for N… Read More

Feds Deny State’s $2B loan request to fund new Tappan Zee Bridge

Riverkeeper to NY State: Fix the flaws in the draft EIS before seeking any new funding Ossining, NY – April 26, 2012 – New York State was turned down for a federal Transportation Infrastructure Fi… Read More

Riverkeeper Supports NYS Senate’s Proposed Hydrofracking Legislation

Testifies that legislative action on hydrofracking is urgently needed Riverkeeper testified in Albany today at the Senate Democratic Conference Public Forum on Hydraulic Fracturing along with our part… Read More

Keeping City Rivers Safe

For Piermont’s John Lipscomb, the Hudson River is his home and his history

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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