Posts Tagged ‘Riverkeeper’

Landmark Assembly Hearing Changes the Energy Conversation: Addresses How Best to Close Indian Point

Riverkeeper, NRDC energy study provides framework to create an energy future without the old, outdated nuclear plant. Ossining, NY – January 17, 2012 – Just two days after a pump failure that for… Read More

Dimock Residents Could Have Renewed Water Shipments By Next Week

NY legislature looks at Indian Point alternatives – days after leak causes shutdown

Kayak Polo Players Push to Test Hudson River Water After Sewage Spill

Timeline for Indian Point reactor repair unclear; grid official says power supply unaffected

Nuclear Power And The Continuing Battle To Eliminate It (MP3, audio starts at 10:00)

Tens of Thousands of Thanks: One for Every Comment Against Fracking

This morning, thanks to many of you, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) woke up to tens of thousands of comments on its flawed fracking proposal. Riverkeeper submitted … Read More

Indian Point Reactor Remains Shut Down For Repairs

Environmental Coalition Concludes New York State DEC’s Fracking Proposal Too Fatally Flawed to Move Forward

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE After two drafts, significant aspects of environmental impact statement still so deficient that it must be redone. New York, NY, January 10, 2012 – Catskill Mountainkeeper, Del… Read More

New York State Wins Review of Nuclear Plant Accident Plans

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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